2009년 8월 19일 수요일

[Church of God]The Secret of the Forgiveness of sins[Ahnsahnghong]

Our life is nothing but trouble ,sorrow and pain. Happiness never endures in our lives. What do you think causes of our present suffering then? In order to find the answer, we need to make a careful study of the soul.

Ge 2:7 "God formed the man from the dust[body] of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life[spirit]."

When a man dies, what will happen to him? His body and spirit are separated and each of them returns where it came from.

Ecc12:7 "The dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it."

'Return' means 'go back to a former place.' Since the Bible says that our spirit returns to God, it is clear that our spirit was with God in heaven before we came to this earth. In other words, we were heavenly angels. Many verses testify to this fact.

Pr 8:22 Solomon said he was given birth before the world began.

Job 38:1-4 God told Job that when He laid the earth's foundation.

Job 38:21 he[Job] was already born and lived so many years.

Like this, we were also born before the creation of the world. Then, why are we suffering in this earth, leaving the glorious heaven?

Jesus came to this earth to let us know the answer about above question.

Lk 19:10 The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.

Jesus is the Son of Man. Where did He come from? (Heaven)

Mt 9:13 Jesus came to call sinners, not the righteous.

Considering the above words, the reason we have come th this earth is that we committed sin against God in heaven. This earth is a prison where sinners are gathered; their souls are kept in this earth-prison represented as the city of refuge. So in this earth there are more trouble, sorrow and pain than peace and joy. The Bible says that the wage of sin is death(Ro 6:23). So it is clear that all men were expelled from heaven by committing grave sins against God. Then, how can we have the forgiven of our sins? Unless we are forgiven, we cannot go to heaven.

Eph 1:7 "In him[Jesus] we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins."

then, what is Jesus' blood through which we can have the forgiveness of sins?

Mt 26:26 "This[the wine of the Passover] is my blood of the covenant. which is pured out for many for the forgiveness of sins."

Jesus' blood through which we can have the forgiveness of sins is the blood[wine] of the Passover. And the Passover is the new covenant in Jesus' blood.

Lk 22:7-20 "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you."

Lk 15:7 "there will be more rejoicing in heaven over on sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."

If we really want to return to heaven we came from, we must celebrate the Passover. Then we will have the forgiveness of our sins through Jesus' blood promised in the Passover. This is God's grace for our redemption.

World Mission Society Church of God [ahnsahnghong & heavenly mother]


