2009년 12월 6일 일요일

Evidences that the Biblical sabbath is saturday[wmscog by ahnsahnghong]

Evidences that the Biblical sabbath is saturday
[wmscog by ahnsahnghong]

Gen.2:3 "God blessed the seventhday and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done."

1. calendar
-Sunday is the first day of the week in common calendar

2. Dictionary

[Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary]

1) week : a 7-day cycle beginning on Sunday and ending on Saturday

2) sunday : the first day of the week

3) saturday : the seventh day of the week

3. Bible

[NIV ver.]

Mark 6:1 " When the Sabbath was over..."

Mark 16:9 " When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week..."

- Here "rose" means "Resurrection". After keeping sabbath[on saturday] he resurected on Sunday.

If you understand what day of the week is biblical sabbath you must keep it.

Let's go to the kingdom of heaven by following God's word.

-World Mission Society Church of God-

I love heavenly Mother !


